Extra Curricular Activities

For the all round and holistic development of the students the school believes in providing ample opportunities to nurture their innate potential through Extra curricular activities like

  • Archery
  • Karate
  • Instrumental Music
  • NCC
  • School Choir
  • School Band
  • Scouts & Guides
  • National Corps Cadets
  • The School Band
  • Scouts and Guides
  • Karate
  • School Choir
  • Archery
  •  Cricket
  • Football

National cadet corps Air Wing ( NCC )
NCC   has   been   started   in   Sujatha   High   School   since   four   decades. Students have shown enthusiastic interest and have actively participated in the Range firing,Camps and other activities and has brought glo ry to the school.

Our school band comprises of group of students who rehearse and perform instrumental music. The band consists of woodwind instruments,brass instruments,drums the Casio,trumpet, trombone etc. It  serves as a social, emotional   and   a   creative   outlet.   Students   develop   qualities   like cooperation, collabration concentration, focus  and shared responsibility.

The Scouts and Guides is introduced during the academic  year 2023-2024 to educate the young students of middle school through a value system, based on the Scout promise and law for individuals to play a constructive role in society.

Karate is a martial art introduced in  SHS almost a decade ago, our students bagged prizes both at National and State level.
The ultimate aim of karate lies not in victory or defeat but in the perfection of the character of its participants. It is an art for self defence, mental and moral aspects for over all development of an individual.

Our School Choir comprises of 25 to 30 students. It is a study in vocal production and music fundamentals. It is to develop and nurture correct vocal techniques. Students will be able to read music, rhythms etc.  They have become confident in their singing.

Sujatha High School being a five decades old school gives an opportunity to the  students  to  learn  the  skill  of  archery. It  helps  the  students  to  be consistent, controlled, focused and persistent.

The cricket teams of Sujatha High School  both Junior and Senior classes is associated with a  strong sense of love  and responsibility towards their school hence have participated in inter school, Quli Qutub Shah and YMCA tournaments and were the winners of the trophies. Cricket is a good sport for developing overall fitness, stamina and hand eye co ordination.

Sujatha High School has a very strong football team that helps them to be healthy and disciplined, develops mind and team spirit. The   students of our school brought laurels  by winning  interschool, YMCA and  Quli Qutub Shah matches.