

    1. Granting of leave is only by a previously written application from the parents or guardian. Failure to comply with this requirement will be condoned only in the case of an emergency.

After leave, when the student returns to the school, the page “Leave record” in the handbook must be filled in.

  1. A student whose unauthorized absence is more than 10% of the school working days may not be
    allowed to sit for the examination.
  2. A student who is absent for a month, without prior permission from the Principal will have his/her name struck off from the rolls. They may be re-admitted on paying the admission fees.
  3. After any vacation, every student should be present on the reopening day of the School.


  1. The pupils` progress is assessed by means of Unit Tests and Terminal Examination at the end of which progress report is issued. (to keep the parents informed about the progress of their child).
  2. Parents are expected to go through the report card, sign it and return it to the school.
  3. Students whose dues are not cleared completely will not be allowed to write the examinations.
  4. There will be no re-exam for the absentees.
  5. To secure promotion one must obtain the pass marks in all subjects and must have regularity in attendance. The marks of the unit tests and terminal examinations will be considered for promotion along with the annual examination marks.
  6. The decision taken by the school authority regarding promotion is final and shall not be reconsidered.


  1. Transfer certificate will be issued when all the dues are cleared and on receipt of a written application form the parent/guardian only.
  2. If the parent wants to withdraw his/her child, a month’s written notice should be given to the Principal or a months’ fee has to be paid in lieu of the above.
  3. The management reserves the right to compel the parents to withdraw their child if his/her progress is irregular or his/her conduct is harmful to other students.


  1. Irregular attendance, habitual disobedience and conduct, injurious to the moral tone of the school Justifies dismissal at any time of the year
  2. Malpractice in examinations is a great offense and shall lead to detention and even dismissal.
  3. Any misbehavior of a suspension or dismissal even though it tool place outside the school premises.
  4. Students and Parents are required to conduct themselves in a proper manner and treat all teaching and non-teaching staff with respect at all times. Inappropriate behavior by the pupil or the parent could result in dismissal. 


  1. Students are required to be on the school premises before 8:05 a.m. as the gate will be closed after
  2. All students are expected to come to school in neat, clean and complete uniform.
  3. All students are required to speak only in English within the School premises. Students found not abiding by this rule will be fined.
  4. It is the duty of every pupil to keep his/her classroom and the school premises absolutely clean, Scribbling on the wall, desks and damaging school property will be dealt severely.
  5. Students are responsible for the safe custody of their books and other belongings. The school is not Responsible for the goods lost.
  6. All students are expected to take part in all co-curricular activities of the school, as these are part of the school curriculum.
  7. Students will be allowed to leave the school premises during working hours with the permission of The Principal only.


  1. Parent should take care of the personal hygiene of their child.
  2. Parents are not permitted to meet the students or teachers during working hours, without the permission of the principal. Parents should contact the Principal regarding any complaint and not the teachers  directly.
  3. If the child is not making desired progress, the Principal should be contacted early in the academic  year seeking out ways for the child’s improvement.
  4. Criticizing any of the teachers or the school in the presence of the child should be avoided as this would discourage the child from learning.
  5. Parents are responsible to ensure that their child completes the home-work given to him/her and and learns lessons taught in the class.
  6. Parents should not indulge in any kind of group meetings and create nuisance of any kind in and around the school premises.Non-obervance of the above rules will be regarded as a as serious breach of discipline and the child’s name will be removed from the rolls.
  7. Through every care is taken ensure the safety and welfare of the students, accidents are possible. The school will not be responsible for such accidents, small or serious, during the school hours.
  8. Parents are requested to inform the Principle of any change of address or telephone number.

Violation of any of the school regulations could result in the dismissal of the pupil concerned. If such a disciplinary action has to be taken, it will be useless on the part of the student or parent to plead ignorance of the rules as EVERY STUDENT OR PARENT IS EXPECTED TO ACQUAINT HIMSELF/HERSELF WITH THE REGULATIONS OF THE SCHOOL AT THE TIME OF ADMISSION.

Age Criteria:

Particulars of age for admission are as follows:

Nursery L.K.G. U.K.G. I Class
2 ½ years Three Plus Four Plus Five Plus

  The age is reckoned as on 31st August of the year.

For Registration:

A Xerox  copy of the Birth Certificate issued by the Municipal Corporation or M.R.O.

For Interview:

Previous school Progress Report.

For Admission:

Admission from class I to IV,  Record Sheet or Birth Certificate. Admission for Class VI to X, original T.C.

In case of Interstate Transfer, Student must produce the T.C. Duly counter signed by the Inspecting Officer in respect of state syllabus schools.

The original certificate in support of date of birth shall however be submitted to the school at the time of admission, which will be verified and returned.

School Uniform: 

The students should come to school wearing neatly washed and ironed uniform. Their socks should be clean and shoes properly polished.

Boys Girls
Shirt (with Flaps) – White Blouse (with Flaps) – White
Shorts (Classes II to IV) – Blue Pinafore – Blue
Trousers (V onwards) – Blue  
Socks – Black Socks – Black
Shoes – Black Leather Shoes – Black Leather
Sweater – Navy Blue
(Available at school)
Tie and Belt
(Available at School)
Sweater – Navy Blue
(Available at school)
Tie and Belt
(Available at School)
(Classes I to IV) White Shorts
(Classes V to X) White Trouser
Respective House T – Shirt with White Canvas Shoe
Classes: I onwards White Skirt, Respective House T – Shirt with White Canvas Shoe

School Timings:

Pre-Primary & Nursery Monday to Saturday
08:05 am to 12:00 noon
L.K.G. & U.K.G. Monday to Friday
08:05 am to 02:05 pm
Classes: I to V Monday to Friday
08:05 am to 02:15 pm
Classes: VI to X Monday to Friday
08:05 am to 02:45 pm
Saturday 08:05 pm to 12:30 pm
Students Appeared: 207
Passed : 207
1. A Abhinav Teja S/O Bhanu Prasad
2. B Niharika D/O B Praveen Kumar
3. Butool Sultana D/O Mohammed Khaja
4. C Vaishnavi D/O C Ravinder

5. Thakur Rashi Singh D/O Thakur Vishal Singh

have brought laurels to the school by securing 10/10 GPA in SSC Board Examination.We appreciate and congratulate the combined efforts of our

teachers, students and parents.


It needs to be mentioned that we have a richly experienced and dedicated faculty. It is our strong conviction that- “Great things happen not out of magic or miracles but out of systematic preparation”. Hence seminars and workshops are conducted for teachers to enhance their talent and skills so that an intelligent execution is possible.

1. The school reopened for teachers on Monday 1st June 2022 Teachers returned to their work with great spirit and enthusiasm.
2. REFRESH REJUVENATE RECONSTRUCT A work shop cum seminar was conducted for the teachers on 2nd June by t School Director, Sri Jai Prakash Singh.
3. Another seminar – SKILL BASED TEACHING AND LEARNING conducted by Dr. A Patnaik, An Assistant Professor of Osmania University 

University on 9th June to enhance teachers’ proficiency in teaching.
1. Leadership is a quality which if, inculcated, in childhood helps in accepting challenges, scaling new heights and gearing them up for a wider life. Our school office bearers were officially sworn in a very impressive investiture ceremony on 23rd July 2022.
The school cabinet was led by the Head Boy C KEDAR and Head Girl SYEDA SAIMA SOHAIL.
Co-curricular and extracurricular activities play a significant role to enhance the learning process. Through these activities we strive to bring social skills, intellectual skills, moral values and the hidden talents of our students.
1. Life Insurance Corporation Of India, conducted Essay Writing competition in the topic “Corruption Free India For a Developed Nation” for various school children and 4 students bagged the prize from Sujatha High School.
1. Syeda Amziya of IX B bagged the 1st prize
2. C Kedar of X G received the 3rd prize
3. K Hasini of XB and Syeda Saima Sohail of XA, secured consolation prizes.
The Computer skills are enhanced for all classes by introducing CODING which is the need of the hour.
3d Telangana State Level Drawing Competition on the theme BETI BACHO BETI PADHAU was conducted in our school. 42 girls
participated in it. Out of which nine girls were awarded medals and certificates and qualified for district level. Among them 3 girls were selected for State Level. FAIZA BUTOOL of class VI A was awarded a consolation prize of Rs. 500/- at State Level.
The extra curricular activities in our school includes skating, archery. karate, calligraphy, school band and choir.
One of the most valuable lesson your child will learn from sports is how to take risk, how to fail gracefully and ultimately how to succes by over coming failure. In our school we have the NATIONAL CORP CADETS(NCC) Air Force Unit.
1. The NCC annual training camp was held at Anurag University Ghatkesar from 26th July to 6th August our students received accolades from Air force Unit.
2. Kumari C.Shriya of 9C is awarded as the Best cadet among 6 cadets
3. B.Samanyu of Class 9G is selected for the Inter Unit Camp of NCC from our school.
4. 2nd International “All Style Martial Arts Championship” was organized by Keshav Academy OKINAVA at Yousufguda stadium 13th Nov. 2022 below 10 yrs category. Our student B.Suchitra of received Gold medal.
5.Kashi Vrithi Sathya Hasan of VII C won Orange Belt in Karate, mastered ten self defence moves in karate.
6. Sri Kowmudhi Natha of VII A bagged Silver Medal in Gymnastic Vault category and bagged bronze medal in floor Gymnastic in Inter School Competitions.